730 blog articles found.
In today's modern World, it is quite easy to get a lot of information from a person just from their digital imprint. What about 100 years ago when there was no internet? Researchers from 100 years ago speculated there was a network of mediums that collated and shared information in a book. It was called the blue book. But did it really exist?
The highlight of the LLIFS Resource Directory this week is by Harry Price. Revelations of a spirit medium delves into the deception from the spiritualist era.
One of the latest trends over the last few years seems to be devices that detect static electricity. Let's look at static electricity and if it has a connection to the paranormal.
Many years ago, talking about the macabre was considered taboo, let alone looking for ghosts. As society has changed and evolved, it has become acceptable and just downright cool to explore your spooky side. Dark tourism has grown since the late 90's and offers a glimpse into the psychology of why human nature leads us to explore the macabre.
Many people go missing each day and have done so for centuries. When looking into the disappearance and circumstances surrounding some of these occurrences within National Parks around the World, ex police officer David Paulides created the CanAm Missing project. Dubbed as the Missing 411, he is dedicated to understanding the complexity and issues of searching, rescuing and investigating people missing in the wilds throughout the world with some unusual theories along the way. Let's explore the missing 411 and also discuss some of the ethical considerations.
Divination is an ancient art with the purpose to seek knowledge or predict the future through what is thought to be using supernatural methods. Libanomancy is the practice of reading the smoke and ashes of burning incense.
The paranormal is so much more than just 'is it a ghost?'. Let's start exploring more ideas because we just don't know where they might lead us. You may just find the paranormal really is a little bit of everything.
There are many unknowns when it comes to paranormal investigating. I don't just mean when seeking answers to the afterlife and what lies beyond. Sometimes people wonder why people do things the way they do. So here are some of the common explanations to things you may see paranormal investigators doing! Why do we dress up? Why do we turn out the lights? Why do we investigate at night? Why as investigators do we do a lot of things we do?
Many cultures from different countries have different myths/folklores or spirits to fear or worship. This short series looks at the different ghosts from around the World! Today's ghost is El Tunche
Paranormal investigating is so much more than 'hunting ghosts'. It allows us to develop a sense of self.
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