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730 blog articles found.

Vatican releases new norms on alleged supernatural phenomena

17th May 2024 Reading Time: 5 minutes General, Paranormal Events, Famous Paranormal Cases. 1573 views. 0

On Friday the 17th of May, in an unexpected turn of events, the Vatican released new norms on alleged supernatural phenomena and how they will be evaluated and concluded by the church.

A disembodied voice

9th May 2024 Reading Time: 6 minutes General, Paranormal Investigation. 2670 views. 0

One of the terms I often see thrown around is when someone is referring to a ‘disembodied voice’. What is it, what does it mean and is it different to an EVP? Here is all you need to know and some of my thoughts on potential explanations.

A simple question .....

27th April 2024 Reading Time: 7 minutes General, EVP, Paranormal Investigation. 1931 views. 0

EVP sessions are probably one of the most common techniques used by paranormal investigators. Let's look into the types of questions we ask and why we ask them.

Third man syndrome

25th April 2024 Reading Time: 5 minutes General, Stuff paranormal investigators need to know. 1756 views. 0

Adventurers in life-or-death situations often report an unseen force guiding them to safety. Known as third man syndrome, whether spiritual or scientific, this phenomenon appears to have saved lives!

Ghosts of the Past: BATMAN’S MELBOURNE The ghost of honor didn't make the party

24th April 2024 Reading Time: 6 minutes General, Ghosts Of The Past. 1225 views. 0

In this series, I take a look at some historical accounts of ghostly encounters published in newspapers. In this edition, we look at Melbourne's most famous ghost haunting the Princess Theatre.

Tales of Aradale Lunatic Asylum: Horrifying procedures

16th April 2024 Reading Time: 6 minutes General, Tales of Aradale Lunatic Asylum, Paranormal Locations. 12083 views. 9

In this instalment, I look at the horrific procedures such as electroshock therapy and lobotomies that occurred at places like Aradale Asylum. Did these procedures really help 'treat' the patients?

Telepathic Hallucinations

12th April 2024 Reading Time: 6 minutes General, Paranormal Theories. 2002 views. 0

Is the act of seeing a ghost one of telepathy rather than physical manifestation?

Woomera UFOs

4th April 2024 Reading Time: 5 minutes General, UFO Encounters, Famous Paranormal Cases. 1994 views. 0

On the 15th of July 1960, there were various reports of UFO sightings at a nuclear weapons testing range near Wewak, South Australia. On the 24th of July of the same year, the Government replied with an official report of the investigation into the claims.

The 2%

1st April 2024 Reading Time: 4 minutes General, Paranormal Investigation, Stuff paranormal investigators need to know. 1848 views. 0

Peter Underwood once said “98% of reported hauntings have a natural and mundane explanation … it is the other 2% that have interested me for over 40 years.”. While there are things we can't necessarily explain, we also must remember that not everything is paranormal.

The Osterhase (Easter Bunny)

28th March 2024 Reading Time: 2 minutes General. 4458 views. 0

We know that Easter is traditionally a Christian holiday with some pagan roots. But where did the giant bunny come from? Here is all you need to know about the Easter Bunny or the Osterhase.