720 blog articles found.
In 1985, amateur chess player Wolfgang Eisenbeiss, arranged a match of chess between two grandmasters. The twist? One of them was deceased.
Let's discuss paranormal theories and how we can look at them from a different perspective to change the way we think about the paranormal.
Halloween also marks the anniversary of Harry Houdini's death. Before he passed, he had given his wife Bess a secret 'password' that he hoped he would be able to communicate and perform his final escape .... from death. Yearly seances were held, but did the secret word ever come through?
There are a lot of stigmas associated with the paranormal. Let's start to break down two of the most popular ones by understanding their true nature, without the embellishment from Hollywood.
In this series, I take a look at some historical accounts of ghostly encounters published in newspapers. In this edition, we look at a supposedly haunted house in North Melbourne enriched with hidden treasures!
With the new movie Nandor Fodor and the Talking Mongoose hitting cinemas and digital platforms, some may be asking 'Who is Nandor Fodor'?
Optical illusions show us how easily our minds can be fooled into seeing only one side of the picture. What we see is often not the entire truth. Let's look at optical illusions and how we perceive reality and why this is important to understand when it comes to the paranormal.
The highlight of the LLIFS Resource Directory this week is The Book of Dreams and Ghosts, by Andrew Lang. Published in 1897, it is a retelling of 78 ghostly encounters.
When the ghosts don’t want you in a room so they barricade the door with a chair ????♀️ This is a weird experience I had at Black Rock involving a chair and a door. Paranormal or not, it was weird but just what I needed to regain a spark and maybe that was the point all along!
IR Cameras, Thermal cameras and now LiDAR are all technology paranormal investigators use to try and map figures in the dark. Will HADAR (Heat-Assisted Detection And Ranging) be the next big thing in this area?
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