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706 blog articles found.

Digital VS Film Photography .... Which is Better?

2nd December 2017 Reading Time: 8 minutes General, Stuff paranormal investigators need to know, Paranormal Investigation. 1986 views. 0

Digital VS Film. Which is better for paranormal investigating? Is one more reliable than the other? I look at the pros and cons of both.

The Singapore Theory

15th November 2017 Reading Time: 11 minutes Paranormal Investigation, General. 3764 views. 0

By recreating a familiar environment, can we increase our chances of communication? What is the Singapore Theory and what can you do during your investigations?

The art of table tipping

12th November 2017 Reading Time: 7 minutes General, Paranormal Investigation. 9117 views. 7

After witnessing table tipping for the first time this weekend, I look at the history behind it, how a scientist debunked it back in the early 19th century and tell you all about what happened on the night.

Top tips for paranormal investigating

6th November 2017 Reading Time: 5 minutes General, Paranormal Investigation, Stuff paranormal investigators need to know. 1602 views. 2

With the help of my Living Life in Full Spectrum followers, I have compiled a list of top tips for paranormal investigating! Thanks to all who contributed.

Can an object become haunted?

6th November 2017 Reading Time: 7 minutes General. 4988 views. 2

Can objects really become haunted? How does it work and how does one even establish if an object is haunted? I look at the general theories amongst the paranormal field on what can possibly cause an object to become haunted. Is it even possible? How can you tell?

Why is the paranormal referred to as pseudoscience

6th November 2017 Reading Time: 2 minutes General. 1689 views. 0

As investigators we often go around saying, "we take a scientific approach to investigating". Apparently we shouldn't be using this term because the paranormal is actually a pseudoscience. Here is why. Does it really matter? Depends on you and who you are trying to convince.

Let's address the demon in the room

6th November 2017 Reading Time: 5 minutes General. 5025 views. 5

People are very quick these days to label any sort of haunting where someone may feel uneasy as demonic. Why is there a trend to label everything demonic and what is considered to be a true demonic haunting?

The human pendulum

5th November 2017 Reading Time: 5 minutes General, Paranormal Investigation. 3250 views. 2

I was lucky enough over the weekend to be able to experience an old school Victorian Era method called the Human Pendulum. Here is a recap of how it went.

The sad origin story behind the Mel Meter 8704

30th October 2017 Reading Time: 2 minutes General, Paranormal Equipment. 15704 views. 18

The Mel Meter 8704 is one of the most used pieces of equipment out in the field. There is actually a really sad but touching story as to how the Mel Meter came to be.

Regardless of your views, you must be respectful!

30th October 2017 Reading Time: 5 minutes General, Stuff paranormal investigators need to know. 1404 views. 0

We all have different opinions, but respect is key. If you go into a location being disrespectful to their wishes, it can cause damage to the field because they might just close the doors to everyone else.