733 blog articles found.
Before K2 meters were invented, old school investigators would use a compass to detect disturbances within the electromagnetic field. Here is how you make your very own compass for the next Old School Challenge.
In 1972, a bunch of Canadian Parapsychologists conducted a pretty cool experiment. Their aim was to ‘create’ a ghost to prove that the human mind could conjure a spirit through expectation, imagination, and visualization. Here is all you need to know about the experiment
One would think a car orbiting in space with a mannequin dressed as an astronaut called 'Starman' as a tribute to David Bowie is the stuff a great science fiction parody movie was made of. As ridiculous as it sounds, it actually happened, all the while proving that the Earth is in fact round!
We all love old school. It takes away the bells and whistles and gets to the core of what you are looking for. In the 'spirit' of this, I am setting you an old school challenge. Build your own electroscope and do some tests and experiments in the field. Here is all you need to know about electroscopes and some instructions to get you started.
As investigators, one could be easily fooled into thinking that the older the building, the more likely it is to be haunted. It couldn't actually be further from the truth.
It is a common theory often talked about by paranormal investigators. We don't know for sure it is speculation so lets look at how and more importantly why would renovations amp up activity (and if it even does at all)
Decorated with a creepy looking rocking horse and bizarre wallpaper, it is one of the most intriguing rooms in the house where we have gathered one of our most intriguing pieces of evidence.
Old school investigators swear by their analog recorders and magnetic tape while new school investigators like the convenience of a digital recorder. So which is better for paranormal investigating? I look at the pros and cons
Do one of your friends or family ever tell you “I saw your exact double today. They looked just like you!” Have you seen someone's double while out investigating? What is the doppelgänger phenomenon and what are the theories surrounding it?
When most people go out on their own to do a paranormal investigation, one of the first places they tend to go is a cemetery. The thing is, there usually isn't much going on and sometimes it is something that should be left alone.
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