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720 blog articles found.

5 Famous Aussie Spiritualists

New! 14th September 2024 Reading Time: 6 minutes General. 67 views. 0

When you read the paranormal history books, people will often be able to tell you about famous figures within spiritualism from England and even the US, but they don't know much about the work that was done here in the land of Oz.  It is time to change that, so let's meet 5 famous Spiritualists from Down Under!


New! 12th September 2024 Reading Time: 9 minutes General. 5411 views. 0

Walking under ladders, black cats crossing your path and broken mirrors. These are just some of the common superstitions that have seemed to become a part of our normal life. Where did they really come from and what is their significance? I look at some popular superstitions and their origins.

Morphic Resonance

2nd September 2024 Reading Time: 5 minutes General, Paranormal Theories. 634 views. 0

Is morphic resonance the reason we can receive messages from the other side? Is our brain a receiver? Is it biology or is it cosmic? Let's explore!

Aphantasia and the paranormal

16th August 2024 Reading Time: 9 minutes General, Paranormal Theories. 1280 views. 1

Aphantasia is a condition where a person is not capable of mentally visualising images. What does this mean for people with Aphantasia and how they perceive the paranormal? I have some questions!

What is psychic ability?

4th August 2024 Reading Time: 7 minutes General, Stuff paranormal investigators need to know. 1281 views. 0

A look at psychic ability and the different kinds.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and the ghostly fingerprints

20th July 2024 Reading Time: 7 minutes General, Famous Paranormal Cases. 1458 views. 0

In the basement below his infamous Psychic book shop, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle displayed his most prized paranormal possessions in what he called the Psychic museum. Some of his favourite pieces were what he described as spirit fingerprints and spirit hands.

As the table turns ...

12th July 2024 Reading Time: 12 minutes General, Famous Paranormal Cases, Paranormal Theories. 775 views. 0

Table tipping or table turning as it was once known has become popular again within the paranormal realm. I look at the work Michael Faraday did in trying to understand what was causing the tables to move and some of the theories as to how it all works.

Paranormal positivity

5th July 2024 Reading Time: 3 minutes General. 1566 views. 1

I wanted to highlight some 'paranormal positivity' I have seen within the Australian paranormal community over this past week.

Testing telepathy: Pain and Taste

23rd June 2024 Reading Time: 8 minutes General, Paranormal Theories. 1405 views. 0

For decades, academics and Scientists have tried different ways to test if people were capable of sending and receiving messages on a telepathic level. Let's look at pain and taste sensations.

Laying a ghost

15th June 2024 Reading Time: 4 minutes General, Harry Houdini. 1077 views. 0

We look at a magazine feature on Joseph S. Dunninger, a friend of Harry Houdini's who continued with his work after he passed. It is an interesting insight into just how some paranormal 'tricks' were performed.