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704 blog articles found.

Is validation more important than proof?

21st November 2021 Reading Time: 6 minutes General. 702 views. 3

We develop attachments to experiences and evidence because we so desperately want it to validate what part of us deep inside so strongly believes: that the paranormal exists and is all around us yet we cannot prove it. So why do we spend so much of our time on social media arguing about it?

Memory transference and organ donors

20th November 2021 Reading Time: 8 minutes General, Paranormal Theories. 1321 views. 1

We talk about our surroundings or objects absorbing energy, so it is not impossible to think our bodies are capable of the same. So what happens when we donate a piece of ourselves to another human being? There are cases all over the world of people's personalities changing or remembering events that are not their own after receiving an organ transplant.

In the words of: Louisa E Rhine

19th November 2021 Reading Time: 5 minutes General, In the words of:, In the words of. 893 views. 0

Louisa E Rhine was the first lady of parapsychology who did a lot of intriguing work in particular, with testing and trying to understand ESP. Here we explore some quotes from her book ESP in Life and Lab: Tracing Hidden Channels which I hope will create discussion, inspire and maybe even challenge the way we think about paranormal research.

The Mandela Effect

11th November 2021 Reading Time: 11 minutes General, Paranormal Theories. 877 views. 0

The Mandela Effect makes us question everything we have ever remembered. Is it Fruit Loops or Froot Loops? Some say it is false memories while others ponder parallel universes. Let's explore the possibilities and prepare to have everything you believe in shattered while I blow your mind with some crazy Mandela Effect examples!

Scrying and the Troxler Effect

6th November 2021 Reading Time: 10 minutes General, Paranormal Investigation, Stuff paranormal investigators need to know. 1524 views. 0

Scrying is a form of divination that has become a method paranormal investigators use as a form of spirit communication. The Troxler Effect is an optical illusion that causes our surroundings to disappear and distort when we focus on something for a prolonged period of time. So what does this mean for staring at ourselves in the mirror?

Lessons of a paranormal investigator after lockdowns

29th October 2021 Reading Time: 8 minutes General, Paranormal Investigation. 1161 views. 0

With investigations slowly starting again, what have we learnt and how will we move forward in the paranormal field.

Day of the dead - Dia de los Muertos

29th October 2021 Reading Time: 5 minutes General, Famous Paranormal Cases. 3513 views. 0

It is a tradition we hear more and more of as it is starting to become more prominent in all countries all over the world. Sugar skulls have become quite popular during Halloween, but what is their significance? With this tradition being celebrated now all over the world, some may not realise what it is they are actually celebrating or its meaning or significance. So let's explore what the Day of the dead all about.

Cold Reading and the Barnum Effect

23rd October 2021 Reading Time: 9 minutes General, Stuff paranormal investigators need to know. 1809 views. 0

The Barnum effect is a phenomenon where people interpret a generalised phrase or general information as being specific to them. This can not only apply to a psychic reading, but often occurs during paranormal investigations as well. People often unknowingly connect dots to make something relevant to them when in reality, it isn't.

Vibroacoustics, Helmholtz resonance and ghosts - OH MY

23rd October 2021 Reading Time: 12 minutes General, Paranormal Theories, Stuff paranormal investigators need to know. 2538 views. 0

What is just a sound to one person, could be a poltergeist to another! How does sound physically affect a person? Can it make us believe we are being haunted? Can it also heal us?

Konstantins Raudive

Evp Pioneer: Konstantīns Raudive

16th October 2021 Reading Time: 6 minutes EVP, Famous Paranormal Cases, General. 1710 views. 0

While many credit Friedrich Jürgenson with the ‘discovery’ of EVP, it was Konstantīns Raudive that brought it into the mainstream attention of the world with his groundbreaking book “‘Breakthrough an Amazing Experiment In Electronic Communication With The Dead” Konstantīns Raudive (1971).