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730 blog articles found.

In the words of ... Carl Gustav Jung

14th November 2022 Reading Time: 6 minutes General, In the words of:. 1308 views. 0

While many paranormal investigators know Carl Jung for his theories of synchronicity and the collective unconscious, what did he think about ghosts? Here are some extracts from Jung's writings.

Tales of Black Rock House - The Library

13th November 2022 Reading Time: 4 minutes Tales of Black Rock House, General. 854 views. 0

In this instalment, we venture into the newly unveiled library

Houdini's final seance

1st November 2022 Reading Time: 4 minutes General, Harry Houdini, Famous Paranormal Cases. 1469 views. 0

Every 31st of October, for 10 years, Bess Houdini held yearly seances to contact her husband Harry using a secret code. In 1936, she participated in her final seance. Listen to the final seance!

Famous stories written from dreams

1st November 2022 Reading Time: 12 minutes Famous Paranormal Cases, Paranormal Theories, General. 1391 views. 0

Writers can find inspiration from the strangest of circumstances.  Trust me, I know.  Many famous stories are a result of dreams, however some seem more like psychic visions so we have to wonder, is it just a creative story they are channelling or something more?  Here are some famous stories inspired by dreams or psychic visions.

The sounds that make us angry

26th October 2022 Reading Time: 8 minutes General, Stuff paranormal investigators need to know. 3089 views. 0

When a person unknowingly hates a sound so much, Misophonia can trigger an episode of rage and a person's fight or flight response to go crazy without them even knowing. How could this apply during a paranormal investigation?

What we need

18th October 2022 Reading Time: 6 minutes General. 778 views. 0

Sometimes it is not about whether or not something is paranormal or normal, synchronicity or coincidence. Sometimes it is just something we need.

Paranormal Book Club: Parapsychology

12th October 2022 Reading Time: 8 minutes General, Paranormal Book Club. 863 views. 0

The theme for this paranormal book club is parapsychology.

Apports, Asports and JOTT

12th October 2022 Reading Time: 9 minutes General, Paranormal Theories, Stuff paranormal investigators need to know. 2750 views. 0

Apports and Asports are two different sets of paranormal phenomena which are the opposite of one another.  Both are considered to be a form of paranormal teleportation which were usually demonstrated during spiritualist seances and are a part of physical mediumship demonstrations.  Is it an act of the medium or can spirits make items appear or disappear? Could this be related to what we know as the JOTT phenomena?

The importance of fact over fiction

8th October 2022 Reading Time: 9 minutes General, Stuff paranormal investigators need to know. 3844 views. 0

The paranormal and history seem to go hand in hand, however, we must be careful not to let a good ghost story replace facts.

LLIFS: Strange and Unusual

8th October 2022 Reading Time: 1 minutes Strange and Unusual, General. 848 views. 0

A new series where you are invited to share your spooky experiences. From ghostly encounters, ufos, cryptids, psychic phenomena or just something really weird! I want to hear from you!